문수성지 오대산 월정사

마음의 달이 아름다운 절
월정사 템플스테이

English & Reservation

문수성지 오대산 월정사

Daily Templestay

It takes 2-3 hours. Participants can choose 2-3 activities. Activities include learning temple etiquette, Temple tour,
Walking Meditation, Barefoot walking in forest, conversation with a monk over tea, ect. 
This programm run with over 15 participants.
Reservation should be made at least 7days in advance. 
Temple meal is an option.
We can provide a customized program for each team. 
*If you want to book or get more information, contact us by e-mail.

Price List(Won)

Program Price
One day program 60,000won


Time Program
09:00-10:00 Temple Tour
(with detailed explanation)
10:00-11:00 Stoll in the forest
(Fir Tree Road / Seon-Jae Gil)
11:00-11:30 Monastic Meal(Lunch)

The schedule can be slightly changed depending on situations.

what to bring

  • water bottle, socks to wear in the Buddha Hall, comfortable shoes except slippers or flip-flops, proper attire is recommended.


  • be on time of templestay program(especially meal time)
  • keep calm and considerate state of mind.
  • don't make a loud sound.
  • no cigarette, no meat, no alcohol within the temple.
  • proper attire is recommended.

Way to Temple

Taking a bus from Seoul

  • 1-1)Take a bus to “Jinbu(진부)” at the “Dong Seoul Terminal(동서울 터미널)”- it takes about 2 hours and 15
            minutes to Jinbu.
    1-2) Take a bus to “Jinbu(진부)” at the "Seoul Nambu Termina(서울 남부 터미널)l"- it takes about 2 hours
            and 35 minutes to Jinbu
    1-3)Wonju Terminal(원주 터미널) to Jinbu
    1-4)Gangreung Terminal(강릉 터미널) to Jinbu

  • 2) When you get to Jinbu terminal, you can take a taxi to “Woljeongsa”- It will cost about 20,000won.
         You can take a local village bus to Woljeongsa instead (1,000won)and this takes about 20 minutes.
         local bus time - 07:50, 09:05, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:10, 14:50, 15:40, 17:00, 17:30

  • 3)When you arrive in Woljeongsa, the "templestay office" is about 5~10 minutes on foot.
    ** Dong Seoul Terminal(동서울 터미널):02-446-8000
    ** Seoul Nambu Terminal(서울 남부터미널):02-521-8550
    ** Jinbu Terminal(진부 터미널):033-335-6307

Contact Infomation

  • 09:00~17:00
  • 033-339-6607 / woljeongtemple@naver.com

25318 강원도 평창군 진부면 오대산로 374-8 번지 월정사 템플스테이
전화 : 0507-1484-6606 / 010-7304-6692     팩스 : 033-334-6606