

Woljeongsa Templestay

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Writer 월정사 지킴이 Date06 Jan 2016 Read4,626 Comment0


Our mind is pure and stainless like the moon above Octagonal Nine-story Stone Pagoda in Woljeongsa Temple. However, we rarely see the substance that is veiled by the three poisons; craving, anger, and ignorance. Why don't you coming and learning the virtue of emptying and laying down the mind. Woljeongsa Templestay is a unique opportunity to experience Korean Buddhism, its lifestyle, rituals and spirit. It generally entails staying at a traditional Buddhist temple, and engaging in daily monastic activities. Through walking along the path through firs forest and you will see and enjoy the beauty of nature in Odaesan Mountain. You will meet Bodhisattva who lives in Odaesan Mountain while you're staying Woljeongsa Temple. Woljeongsa Templestay program is running year-round, and you can join anytime when it is suitable for you.

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